Thursday, July 21, 2011

Follow ZambiaWeb 2.0 on Twitter

Hello there,

Hope you are well.
Zambia Web 2.0 is on Twitter! Not that we are new there; we have been members fro quite some time. Our twitter address is @ZambiaWeb20.

Happy following.

Zambia Web 2.0

Sunday, January 30, 2011

SMS quotas in Chat

Indeed, this sounds interesting! Remember those free Google SMSs from your inbox to people's mobile phones? Well, they have a limit and conditions.

One of them is that as soon as you reach the 50 SMS quote, you cease to be able to send SMSses from your inboxes: people you send messages to have to return at least one in order for you to start accumulating sending credits!

So interesting! You give in order to receive
